James F. Adams Distinguished Professor jfadams@ucdavis.edu Google Scholar profile Personal website 670 Kerr Hall
Cheryl Boudreau Professor clboudreau@ucdavis.edu Google Scholar profile Personal website 679 Kerr Hall
Heather Elko Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies - IRE helko@ucdavis.edu Google Scholar profile Personal website 580 Kerr Hall
Erik J. Engstrom Professor ejengstrom@ucdavis.edu Google Scholar profile Personal website 672 Kerr Hall Office Hours Spring 2024: Mondays 1pm-3pm, or by appointment (available either in-person or over Zoom)
Christopher Hare Associate Professor cdhare@ucdavis.edu Google Scholar profile Personal website 574 Kerr Hall
Hanno Hilbig Assistant Professor hhilbig@ucdavis.edu Google Scholar profile Personal website Kerr Hall 579